Once again courtesy of The Late Clive Ross ( I wonder how many other of his gems are hidden and will never be released) we have this diagram:
Clive had posted this over at Ma'at (an orthodox forum) in response to a question I asked him on whether he believed the square root of 2 and square root of 3 were incorporated at Giza in the overall width and length. See diagram below.
In Clive's diagram he has
split the distance from apex of G1 to G3 and used this as his origin to
draw a circle. The radius is 894.1 cubits. What Clive is showing us is
that if we use this as the square root of 2 we find that the horizontal
distance from G1 to G3 is in the ratio of the square root of three or
1096.8 cubits. As a side trip here Jim Allison pointed out that the
vertical distance is the square root of 5 !

we now have Clive point out to us that the horizontal distance of 1096.8 is equal to 3 Earth years !!!!!!!!! (1096.8 / 3 = 365.6 )
Square root of 3 = 3 Earth years. As always the builders are showing us their sense of humour.
But I have stumbled onto something which I think is very unique and again goes way beyond the realms of chance. The actual length of the vertical distance is 1411.48 cubits. If we divided this by the square root of 5 we get 631.23
631.23 = Length of G2 + 1/2 length of G1
631.23 = 411.03 + 220
And finally if we allow the length of base of G1 to equal 439.82 (which is what I have at times proposed) we find that 631. 23 - 439.82 = 191.41 or the angle of deflection between the three Giza apexes !
There is more and we will be HEARING more on that later :)
"Hear" is the "more"
In my what can only be called an inspirational epiphany Clive Ross has realized something quite remarkable at The Giza Plateau. He has realized that not only may gravity be shown here at Giza but sound is represented as well. Clive Ross has realized that the distance from the apex of G1 to the apex of G3 is in the ratio of square root of 8 or 2.8284 Now in what can only be referred to as a brainstorm Clive has discovered that in this distance from apex of G1 to G3 which is measured to be 1788.2 cubits lies incredibly the speed of sound. For if we divided this distance 1788.2 by the square root of 8 which we have used to define the diameter of the circle and distance we arrive at ... 1788.2 / 2.8284 and we get ... 632.22.
632.22 is unbelievably the distance in cubits that the speed of sound travels at 0 degree Celsius in one second. A most remarkable discovery by Clive and this alone should surly make others stop and think. However also hidden at Giza and only now realized by me with the help of Clive's discovery is that if we take the base of G2 and add it to 1/2 the base of G1 we have, and again I stand humbled by some of this, we have the speed of sound in cubits at 0 degrees Celsius on Earth. 411.23 + 220
Remarkable !
Well this little post could cause your brain to short circuit and I am very excited as I present this latest finding. Please understand that the initial concept is 100% Clive Ross' and he may or may not have taken it as far as I have but as usual I have simply taken his pass (he is a great quarterback !) and I think have scored a touchdown with it.
The first thing Clive discovered is that if (and it is) the distance between the centers of G1 and G3 equal 1788.2 cubits then it would take sound exactly 2.8284 seconds (2 x sq rt of 2 or sq rt of 8) to pass between these two points. This would mean that the speed of sound should equal 1788.2 / 2.8284 = 632. 23 cubits per second or 331.1 meters per second. Finding that sound has been measured at Giza is an amazing find and to me it is worthy of a footnote in the history books for Clive but we shall see what develops. Amazingly also is that the time of 2.8284 is exactly the ratio of the inside triangle he used in his diagram. It is simply an amazing and awesome discovery and I really am amazed how he sees these things.
To further make this picture even more wonderful we find that 1/2 base of G1 plus base of G2 is equal to the speed of sound in cubits or 631.22 (between 611.04 and 611.28 - the jury is still out on the exact measurement --- also some would have the measurement of G2 at 412.24) and from this fact comes a veritable avalanche of measurements that suddenly become crystal clear when we learn what the measuring stick was at Giza. The measuring stick, believe it or not, was "The Sound Second" !!!
The Sound Second you ask ? Is he kidding ? Actually I couldn't be more serious and when look at the image below prepare to be amazed, shocked, amused, delighted and at the very least enlightened for it really is beyond words ...
I give you The Giza Plateau laid out in sound seconds !
Actually it has bothered me
that the distance is not exact so I went in search of the correct
answer. If we assume that 331.3 is correct then sq rt of 8 x's 331.3
equals 1789.31 cubits yet we have 1788.2 and this is out about 1.1
cubits and I could not accept that the error would be this great so I
jumped out of the box and have come up with this ...
440 cubits is equal to 756 feet is equal to 230.43 meters
Now what temperature do you suppose we need to make it travel this distance in 1 second ?
Well, and I am not making this up but simply using a convertor I found on line, it is remarkably ... -165.69 degrees Celsius
And do we know what -165.69 equals ... well how about 2 x -165.7 = 331.4 ... So therefore the temperature is minus 1/2 the value for THE SPEED OF SOUND AT 0 DEGREES
Please note however that using two different calculators found on line yielded significantly different results.
... For example, the
speed of sound in air at a temperature of 20ºC is about 344 m/s. This
value changes to 332 m/s if the air temperature is 0ºC. On the other
hand, if we compare the speed of sound in Hydrogen and in Carbon dioxide
when both are at 0ºC, Carbon dioxide allows a slower speed at 258 m/s,
compared to Hydrogen’s 1,270 m/s. ...
Height of G3 is 127 cubits
Speed of sound in hydrogen at 0ºC is 1,270 m/s
Is the height of G3 showing us the speed of sound of the simplest element at the freezing point ?
Height of G3 is 127 cubits
Speed of sound in hydrogen at 0ºC is 1,270 m/s
Is the height of G3 showing us the speed of sound of the simplest element at the freezing point ?

894.1 / sq rt of 2 (1.4142136) = 632.22 cubits
632.22 cubits = 331.09 meters


The time sound takes to travel from centre of G1 to centre of G2 at 1/3 a degree Celsius is ONE SECOND !!! Actual temperature is 1/1000th of the distance in meters (331.905 / 1000 = .331095)
Below from a different chart and calculator.

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