Date: 12-Jul-10 21:07
I wish to draw attention here to Kepler's Third Law of Planetary Motion, one of the cornerstones of modern astronomy. It should be noted that this Law relates specifically to the special case of circular or mean planetary orbits:
Kepler’s Third Law of Planetary Motion: The Harmonic Law
The square of the orbital period is proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis, or P-squared = a-cubed.
In other words this remarkable orbital Law which reconciles both distance and time is entirely dependent on the ratio of the numbers 2 and 3 (termed sesquiplicate) - the same numbers whose square roots provide for a map of the mean orbits of the inner solar system, as found at Giza but mathematically independent thereof. Kepler was of course convinced that the solar system was founded upon geometry and developed his famous model from the 5 platonic solids - shapes whose proportions derive from the square roots of 2, 3 and 5 and which can each be encompassed perfectly by a sphere. Whilst his model was found to be flawed the geometrical and mathematical principles behind it are evidently not. He was also noted for his admiration of the phi proportion and the Pythagorean right angle triangle formula - which can be said to define the 1st and 2nd pyramids at Giza, albeit approximately in the case of phi/G1. Two square root 2-3-5 right angle triangles define the Giza pyramid's enclosing rectangle and phi is the key to unlocking the positions of Mercury and Earth in our solar system map, without the pyramids in place.
I am currently striving to do Don's and my own findings the justice I feel they deserve hence my lack of time to actively participate here - I hope to have a book finished by the end of the year which will address these issues and much more besides.
By Me - This just noticed:

We have this peculiarity. The distance from center of second to center of third equals 17873.2 inches ... this amazingly is equal to 10 times the distance from centre of first to center of third (1787.5 cubits) when measured and converted to cubits.
Further more amazingly when we divide 36857.7 inches (from center of first to center of third) by 17873.2 inches (distance from center of second to center of third) we get 2.0622 which unbelievably equals 1/10th the number of inches in a cubit.
Difference in total inches between first to second + second to third (19168.4 + 17873.2 = 37041.6) as compared to first to third (36857.7) is a difference of 183.9 inches
Now this number when divided by 20.622 gives us (183.9 /20.622 = 8.9176607506546406750072737852779) and this believe it or not is the distance in miles ( + or -) from The Great Pyramid to The Step Pyramid at Sakkara and is approximately the diameter of a circle with circumference of 28 units.

If we note that the east-west distance between center of first and center of third (22616.0) divided by the east-west distance of center of first to center of second ( 13165.8) equals 1.717784 and interestingly if we multiply this by 440 (cubits) we get 755.825 (feet) almost precisely what The Great Pyramid shows us.
And then lastly we have this. Not quite as accurate but perhaps it has meaning nonetheless. We have NS distance between center of first and center of third of 29102.0 inches and NS distance between center of second to center of third of 15170.4 This when divided gives us a ratio of 1.91834 and this is almost the angle of deflection (actual is 191.4) divided by 100 between the three pyramids and is the number of degrees that Mars travels in it's orbit in one Earth year. (actual is about 191.4 )
Giza remains an interesting place to measure :o)
Author: Nick L (82.4.204.---)
Date: 18-Jul-10 23:19
This is rather extraordinary I feel. I took another look at the ratios of the outer planet orbits in terms of G1 and found something we had missed previously. Don noted that if the base of G1 (440 cubits) equals Merucry's semi-major axis then Mars' semi-major axis is equal to 1000 x √3. Well the ratio between the semi-major axes of Neptune and Jupiter is 2798.3101568091 million miles divided by 483.76680187701 which = 5.7844195714788. Multiplying this by 440 or G1's base length gives 2545.1446114507 cubits. This number doesn't appear significant until divided by 2, which gives 1272.5723057253 cubits, 1000 x √phi!
In other words then, if we take the semi-base of G1 (220 cubits) as Jupiter's semi-major axis, then Neptune's is equal to approximately 1000 x √phi cubits.
I then found that Uranus' semi-major axis was plotted by subtracting the G2 semi-base (205.5 cubits) x √5 from the Neptune distance of 1000 x √phi, meaning both G1 and G2's semi-base lengths are involved in this scheme.
Saturn can be plotted by dividing Neptune's semi-major axis by pi, since this is the ratio between them: 2798.3101568091/890.70414404871 = 3.141683. 1272.5/pi = 405.
Given that the Great Pyramid can be defined according to both the 3.142857 pi approximation of base perimeter to twice height, and the 1.272727 √phi approximation of height to semi-base, I find it remarkable that these ratios combine with G1's semi-base length to plot Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune, and that G2's semi-base allows for Uranus to be plotted... especially in light of the inner solar system map Don discovered, and which I helped develop. Others shall beg to differ no doubt, everyone is entitled to their opinion of course :-)
The accuracy here is given below, and a diagram I knocked up to better demonstrate this. I give 2 choices of ratio for Neptune to Jupiter, true √phi and the 1.2727 approximation - take your pick.
Semi-major axis (millions of miles)
Jupiter - 483.76680187701
Saturn - 890.70414404871
Uranus - 1787.4855108664
Neptune - 2798.3101568091
Ratio of Neptune to Jupiter = 5.7844195714788
220 (G1 semi-base) x 5.7844195714788 = 1272.5723057253
√phi x 1000 to 220 = 5.7819075178918 = 99.957%
1272.72727 to 220 = 5.7851239669421 = 99.988%
Ratio of Neptune to Saturn = 3.1416831003944
pi to 3.1416831003944 = 99.997%
Ratio of Neptune to Uranus = 1.5655008892647
(√phi x 1000) - (205.5 x √5) = 812.50768455999
(√phi x 1000) to 812.50768455999 = 1.5655478441722 = 99.997%
One could also use the full G1 base length of 440 cubits as Jupiter's semi-major axis, and the full G2 base length of 411 x √5 to plot Uranus. Neptune would then be 2000 x √phi but this would take us out of the Giza enclosing rectangle.
However it is worth noting that a square with sides 2000 x √phi cubits will have a diagonal 3597.8148924034 cubits. If we take the base length, height, slope length (apothem) and corner slope length (arris) for each pyramid and sum them (using 201.5-125 for G3 base-height, 411-274 for G2 and 440-280 for G1), we get a grand total of 3598.1686491421 cubits, merely a third of a cubit of a difference.
3598.1686491421/√2 = 2544.2894516612
2544.2894516612/2000 = 1.2721447258306
1.2721447258306 squared = 1.6183522034586
By Don: October 3rd, 2013
So to make it clear let's do the math. The square root or Phi which is sine of 18 degrees x 2 + 1 or 0.30901699437494742410229341718282 x 2 = 0.61803398874989484820458683436564 + 1 = 1.6180339887498948482045868343656 and then square root is 1.2720196495140689642524224617375 times 1000 = 1272.0196495 Now this time instead of 220 being Mercury and 57,909,050 we are going to cal it Jupiter and going to call it 778,547,200 km so therefore 220 divides into 1272.0196495 and we get 5.7819074978 or 778,547,200 x 5.7819074978 = 4,501,487,893. Neptune's semi major axis is 4,503,443,661. So we can say that if we allow Jupiter to be 1/2 base of The Great Pyramid or 220 cubits then Neptune has a value of 1000 times the square root of Phi to an accuracy of 4,501,487,893 / 4,503,443,661 = 0.99957 Sorry Nick likes to work in miles I like to work in kilometers however the ratios remain the same.
So here again are Nick's values:
Semi-major axis (millions of miles)
Jupiter - 483.76680187701
Saturn - 890.70414404871
Uranus - 1787.4855108664
Neptune - 2798.3101568091
Now Saturn (890.70414404871) will divide into Neptune ( 2798.3101568091) = 3.1416831004
Pi is 3.14159265 so it checks to Pi for 3.14159265 / 3.1416831004 = 0.99997
This means that the circumference of a circle using as it's diameter Saturn's semi major axis or 890,704,414.405 miles will equal the semi major axis of Neptune.
Now ratio of Uranus to Neptune is equal to:
2798.3101568091 / 1787.4855108664 = 1.5655008892647
√Phi x 1000 - 205.52 (1/2 base of G2 in cubits) x √5
1272.0196495141 - 459.55669073576 = 812.4629587783
1272.0196495141 / 812.4629587783 = 1.56563402155200
Checks for 1.5655008892647 / 1.56563402155200 = 0.99992
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