Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Giza Solar System: Some Initial Diagrams and A Beginning

I would just like to say here, for the record, that as far as I know Clive Ross was the first, and now I am probably only the second person here on Earth today who wholeheartedly believes that The Giza Plateau is one giant astronomy book or at the very least a map and a 3-dimensional rendition of our Solar System. The evidence is mounting exponentially and soon, as Clive releases more and more of his data to me (sadly not to happen as Clive passed away Christmas Day 2010) and the public, it will be deemed self evident and we will wonder how it was that we ever doubted it. With this thought in mind let's re-cap some of the earlier facts which were checked by C. Wayne Taylor over at Ma'at and which at the time I could not explain.

At Giza there are certain distances between certain corners of the three pyramids that checked virtually exactly and that for the longest time I was unable to explain. However the veil has been lifted and it is becoming crystal clear for all to see. First let's look at the points in question and the distances that are represented. Please be aware that these have been checked to an overlay of Petrie's measurements on an Autocad program and have been shown to be accurate to less than 1/2 cubit. But now the diagrams:

Firstly we have The Giza Plateau: 



and now the first set of identical distances:


and now the second set of identical distances:


and for now finally we have a third set of distances (there are more):


At the time this was discussed over at Ma'at I was unable to figure out what this meant and why it was done. Was it just chance or was intent involved. I think when you see the following, the fact that it was laid out that way with intent by the builders will become obvious. Here is an expanded view of the distances above. I have also included The Venus Pentagram in the center to get us going.


and now our 1091.27 cubit distance:


and now our 1292.73 distance:


and lastly (for now) we have our 1531.17 cubit distance:


In our next post (I hope) we will look at the contained angles within these distances and see if we can gather any further information from them. Meanwhile please sit back and wonder at the amazing ingenuity of ... The Master Builders of Egypt !

The first angle:

Not only 4 Earth years but The Sothic Cycle shown to us. Amazing is such an inadequate word here.

... The Sothic cycle or Canicular period is a period of 1461 ancient Egyptian years (of 365 days each) or 1460 Julian years (averaging 365.25 days each). During a Sothic cycle, the 365-day year loses enough time that the start of the year once again coincides with the heliacal rising of the star Sirius (the Latinized name for Greek Óåßñéïò, a star called Sopdet by the Egyptians, in Greek transcribed as Sothis; a single year between heliacal risings of Sothis is a Sothic year). This rising occurred within a month or so of the beginning of the Nile flood, and was a matter of primary importance to this agricultural society. It is believed that Ancient Egyptians followed both a 365-day civil calendar and a lunar religious calendar. ... 

 I continue to find things at Giza that I simply can not believe.

For example at Perihelion (closest approach) the Earth is 147,098,074 km from The Sun

It would take light which travels at 299792.458 km / s 460.66 seconds to reach Earth at this point (147,098,074 / 299,792.458)

460.66 seconds = 8.18 minutes.

So it would take light 8.18 minutes to reach Earth.

But how does this relate to Giza ?

Be prepared to be astounded !

There will be more I am sure of it ...

And there is ...

In this diagram below ...

876.1 is EXACTLY 1/2 the distance that an object would fall on Mars in one second multiplied by 490.66

100 digits = 1 second
100 / 28 = 3.571428
3.571428 x 490.66 = 1752.36
1752.36 / 2 = 876.18

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