The first has to deal with square roots and circles both at the same time. At Giza the largest or Great Pyramid has a presumed size of 440 by 440 cubits. The cubit in Egypt is thought to have been around 20.62 inches + or - 0.06 inches.

Here is a second image that has subdivided the Great Pyramid into 4 sections and we now get a smaller square of 220 by 220 cubits with the resulting diagonal giving us 311.125 cubits.
What we are going to do now is draw circles using the side and diagonal we see in the above image.Since the formula for circumference is simply Diameter x Pi we get (220 x Pi) and (311.125 x Pi. ) This will give us 691.15 for 220 x Pi and 977.4343 for 311.125 x Pi. However what we are going to discover next is a neat little thing I found and it is amazing how many seem to think this is just a neat little coincidence but they fail to realize that this meshes the circle and the square root beautifully. I am going to next post a diagram that now after I have explained where I got the number from you should be pretty amazed. Here is the image.
What we see above is an image of how The Giza Plateau looks from a little further out. Please notice that the circumference we used of 220 x Pi or 691.15 just happens to match the distance from the north side of the top pyramid to the north side of the middle pyramid. Gee when I found that I thought that it was pretty neat but you know it gets a whole lot better. First we have labelled this 691.15 (20) as simply 1 unit. But we further not that if we call this 1 unit them the orange line and the line we have labelled is the square root of 2 to the 1 being 691.15 for 691.15 x 1.4142135 = 977.43 which corresponds to our orange line in distance. But now let's post an image that combines the two of them.
This lttle discovery of mine led to a complete solving of The Giza Plateau using this method and I will post it shortly but let's move onto much larger circles. The kinds you might find in the solar system. Firstly let me show you a very interesting relationship between 2 sets of 2 of the planets, them being Mars and Jupiter and the second set being Ceres and Uranus. They are in a very special and easily recognized ratio to each other. The semi major axis of Mars, (semi major axis simply being the average of the furthest and nearest that any planet gets to The Sun) is 227,939,100 kilometers while Jupiter is 778,547,200 kilometers with the ratio being, ratio being simply how many times will something divide into another number, 778,547,200 / 227.939.100 = 3.415593025. This is extremely close to (√2 + 2) or 3.414213562 This allows us to set up a couple of interesting diagrams at Giza knowing this information. Here is one of them:
In the above diagram we have Mars situated at a point where it is in the ratio 1 to 2.14142135 with Mars being in kilometers, 227,939,100 of them away from our Sun. Due to the fact that the green line is precisely 2000 cubits (this has been proven with autocad, and Petrie's notes and triangulation). Because of this fact we have the total line equal to distance to Jupiter of 227,939,100 x 3.415593025 = 778,547,200 kilometers. What we have done is divide 2000 by 3.14142135and arriving at 585.79 and this is the value for Mars.
Now below we have another two examples we are going to look at. Here is the first one:
In the diagram you will note that Mars is 1 unit or the radius or 227,939,100 kilometers.
Since in any circle we have the formula for a circumference as 2 x Pi x r (radius) we get for this circumference simply 3.14159265 x 2 x 227,939,100 or 1,432,183,604 kilometers
The actual distance for the semi major axis of Saturn is according to the latest figures 1,426,666,422 km however many agree it is 1,433,449,370 km. so it is somewhere around here and it shows simply that taking the semi major axis of Mars and multiplying by 2 times Pi will give us the distance to Saturn HOWEVER this is simply the circumference so it can be said that the circumference of Mars' orbit around The Sun is the same as the semi major axis of Saturn. (accuracy = 1,432,183,604 / 1,433,449,370 = 0.9991). So in the above diagram Mars is the radius of the circle and Saturn is the purple circumference. A neat little discovery courtesy of The Giza Plateau.
Would you like one more ? Okay one more.
Above I also mentioned a ratio of another two planets, Ceres and Saturn. The semi major axis of Ceres is 413,690,604 km and for Uranus it is 2,876,679,082 km. when we do all the calculations we get the circumference this time as being 2,600,186,830. So could this have been the distance that Uranus was at before it got knocked into it's present weird axis ?
However we must note here that the semi major axis of Neptune is 4,503,443,66 kilometers
The hypothetical circumference of Uranus should be 2,600,000,000 km with the actual calculations showing 2,600,186,830 km
Is there a relatiobship between the two ? Well remember the square root of 3 ? And how the height of The Great Pyramid was 5773.50 inhces ? Well why don't we try that one. I mean afterall it is pretty prominent on The Giza Plateau. So let us divide the larger by the square root of 3 and we find that 4,503,443,66 (the semi major axis of Neptune) / 1.7320508075689 (square root of three) and we get 260,006,441 interestingly almost precisely 10 times (actual of 10.00471 or accuracy of 0.99995) smaller than the hypothetical circumference of Uranus.
A last diagram to show the above.
Okay so we have semi major axis of Ceres of 413,690,604 x Pi x 2 = possible circumference of Uranus but we also have 4,503,443,66 (the semi major axis of Neptune) / 1.7320508075689 (square root of three) and we get 260,006,441 so let fine tune this equation:
Ceres we will label Ca (Ceres axis)
Uranus we will label Ua (Uranus axis)
Ca x 2 x 3.14159265 = (Ua / √3) x 10
Most interesting.
See you later.
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