Thursday, October 3, 2013

Part III - continuing our Giza Solar System studies.

Once again we have Nick writing from the last post: Summing the perihelion of the 4 outer planets gives 5776.2826654833 million miles. √3 divided by 3 = 0.57735, and the height of the Great Pyramid equals 5773.0909 inches. Now a lot of water has gone under the bridge since that post and we have learned a great deal and some of us have concluded that the height of The Great Pyramid is showing us inches and have come to the conclusion that there are 5773.50 of them or the square root of 3 divided by 3 x 10,000 which gives us the needed 5773.50 inches. For Nick to observe that in this number is the total perihelion of the 4 outer planets is nothing short of brilliant and I am surprised I missed the significance of it before. However surprisingly he missed an even more in your face measurement produced by these 4 outer planets and their perihelions. Although he is correct and they do total 5,776,282,417 miles what he failed to note was THE TOTAL KILOMETERS INVOLVED.  The number of kilometers is 9,296,025,450  This number is so important as to be beyond understanding how it could have occurred at Giza but occur it does. Firstly for those who have not recognized this number yet we have in our faces, the total miles that our own Earth is from The Sun. So let's try to grasp what we have here but first what it the number of miles that Earth is from The Sun. It is 149598261 / 1.609344 = 92,956,050 So we have the total of the 4 outer planet's perihelion IN KILOMETERS equaling, and this goes way beyond co-incidence, the total distance that Earth is from The Sun on average IN MILES of  92,956,050 miles times 100 ! It is simply astounding ! Clive found it at Giza in a most unexpected way. Giza just won't stop amazing and surprising me.

From the vaults of Clive Ross - the original "seer" and pioneer and originator of The Giza Solar System


and in this following image this 929.7 is equal to and equated to Pi.

And in this image we see how it all ties together at Giza. Using various distances found at Giza for Earth we can find many other things. I will just post the image for now and expand on it later.

The fact that Clive found the formula for ratio of a volume to a sphere at Giza of approximately 1.91 and that is so closely approximates the ratio of a cubit and a meter (39.37 to 20.62) and the distance between Earth and Mars to Earth (149598261 / 78340839) leads me to conclude beyond a shadow of a doubt that not only is our reality intelligently and geometrically designed but so was The Solar System at Giza !

But you know it gets even more amazing and I really don't know what to conclude about it all for now we have thanks to Nick the idea that in the height of The Great Pyramid lies the 4 perhelions of the 4 outer planets of our solar system but I have shown that this is also equal to the distance that Earth is from The Sun in miles. So again let's try to grasp what we are being shown here. In the height of The Great Pyramid there is 5773.50 inches which we have shown equals the distance of the 4 outer planets in kilometers in a ratio of 1 inch =  1,000,000 miles. it is mind blowing stuff but it now gets even more amazing for this height also I have shown equals in kilometers if we allow each inch to equal a million miles we get  5776 x 1.609344 (exact ratio of kilometer to a mile) and we get 9296.0258499995559552 million kilometers and this equals 100 times the distance that Earth is from The Sun so in fact not only is The Great Pyramid the Earth AND Mercury but it now appears that is also is showing us the distance that Earth is from The Sun AND ALSO SHOWING US the total of the outer 4 planets and their perihelion.

So we have height of The Great Pyramid in inches to mile (5776.05 x 1 million ) equals the total of the 4 outer planet perihelion and when we kilometers we get 9,296,025,450  which is 100 times further than Earth is from The Sun on average.

So here is the simple equation to remember.

(√3 / 3) x 10,000,000,000 (10 billion) = total of 4 outer planet's perihelion

{[(√3 / 3) x 10,000,000,000] x 1.609344} / 100 = semi major axis of Earth in miles.


Using the value that Nick obtained of 5776.2826654833 x 1,000,000 and inserting it in our formula above we get 149605034.3 and this checks to 99.995 % 

And from Petrie we have this:

Now, at the level of these measurements, 5407.9 at N.E., or 5409.2 at S.W., above the base, the edges of the casing (by the angles of the N. and S. side found above) will be 285.3 ± 2.7 on the North, and 30I.6 on the South side, from the vertical axis of the centre. Thus there would remain for the casing thickness 60.8 ± 3 on the N., and 86.6 on the S.; with 77.6 for the mean of E. and W. Or, if the angle on the S. side were the same as on the N., the casing thickness would be 69.2 on the S. This, therefore, seems to make it more likely that the South side had about the same angle as the North.

On the whole, we probably cannot do better than take 51º 52' ± 2' as the nearest approximation to the mean angle of the Pyramid, allowing some weight to the South side.

The mean base being 9068.8 ± .5 inches, this yields a height of 5776.0 ± 7.0 inches.

Giza: Never a dull moment !

Cheers. Don Barone October 3rd, 2013

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