From Whence Comes The Measurements
Part II "From The Solar System to Giza"
First Up: Mercury " Messenger of The Gods"
The Messages Revealed
Hi all I hope you enjoyed Part I and if you have not read it may I suggest to get a nice background to this page it would be advantageous to do so. First off let me post the final image from that page again here to see where we left off.
As you can see we very nicely, using the measurements of our solar system and the distances between the four inner planets, discovered that they did indeed give us the correct ratios of the measurement systems we are so familiar with, The Royal Cubit. The Meter and The Megalithic Yard to a degree of accuracy of 99.98 %. But there is still so much more to see. From another of my websites you might remember that I showed how the diameters of all the planets, I excluded Pluto, added up to 10 times Pi or 31.41592659. Here is my diagram for that.
Well there is one more measurement we have to
add to the top image and that is this fascinating fact. Not only
do all the planets total 31.41592659 Earth diameters but if we
use this 10 times Pi as inches so that is 31.41592659 inches and
allow it to equal a certain solar distance then another agreed
upon and well known distance equals the correct number of inches
in the ancient Royal Cubit. Allow me to demonstrate. We are going
to use the semi major axis of Earth and Mars, that is 149,598,261
kilometers and 227,939,100 kilometers. But let's do the simple
math first.
31.41592659 / 20.62 (inches in a Royal Cubit) = 1.523565787386. So if I am correct then 227,939,100 / 149,598,261 should equal the same or very close. The calculator please ...
227,939,100 / 149,598,261 = 1.523674797263 - The accuracy of this is 1.523565787386 / 1.523674797263 = 0.99993 to degree of accuracy of 99.993 %
I think it is safe to conclude that the ratio of the semi-major axis' of Earth and Mars equals the ratio 10 x Pi to The Royal Cubit.
Let's add this to our slowly getting cluttered diagram.
All this is very neat, tidy and accurate.
Mercury "
Messenger of The Gods"
Okay we are now going to look at the planets individually and see
if they got involved in the measurement systems we use as well.
We will start with Mercury. It is the swiftest planet, circling
The Sun in 87.969 days and also the smallest (excluding Pluto)
with a diameter of 4879.4 kilometers.
In Roman mythology he was the messenger of Jupiter, and wore a
winged cap and winged shoes. He bore in his hand a rod, or magic
wand, entwined with two serpents, called the Caduceus. Here is
what another website says about Mercury:
Mercury is the smallest and innermost planet in the Solar System. But heres a question, how did Mercury get its name?
Like all the planets, Mercury is named after one of the Roman gods, which were based on the gods worshiped by the Ancient Greeks. The Roman god Mercury was the son of Maia Maiestas and Jupiter in Roman mythology, and most of his aspects were based on the Greek god Hermes.
According to mythology, Mercury was the swiftest of the gods, and the one that merchants prayed to for success in their commercial transactions. And Hermes was known as the messenger of the gods in Greek mythology. This is appropriate since Mercury is the innermost planet in the Solar System, and appears to move quickly from night to night.
Since Mercury was visible with the unaided eye, most of the ancient cultures had their own name for Mercury. The ancient Babylonians called the planet Napu, after a god in their mythology. The ancient Greeks actually thought that Mercury was two planets, and they called it Apollo when it was visible in the morning sky, and Hermes when it was seen after sunset. But in the 4th century BCE, ancient astronomers realized that the two objects were one and the same, and stuck with Hermes; becoming Mercury with the Romans.
And about Hermes we have this:
Hermes is a god of transitions and boundaries. He is quick and cunning, and moves freely between the worlds of the mortal and divine, as emissary and messenger of the gods,[1] intercessor between mortals and the divine, and conductor of souls into the afterlife. He is protector and patron of travelers, herdsmen, thieves,[2] orators and wit, literature and poets, athletics and sports, invention and trade.[3] In some myths he is a trickster, and outwits other gods for his own satisfaction or the sake of humankind. His attributes and symbols include the herma, the rooster and the tortoise, purse or pouch, winged sandals, winged cap, and his main symbol is the herald's staff, the Greek kerykeion or Latin caduceus which consisted of two snakes wrapped around a winged staff.[4]
In the Roman adaptation of the Greek pantheon (see interpretatio romana), Hermes is identified with the Roman god Mercury,[5] who, though inherited from the Etruscans, developed many similar characteristics, such as being the patron of commerce.
But I believe a slightly different meaning for Hermes and the later Mercury. I believe that Hermes came from Egypt and is a Greek form of Thoth and this is what is said of Thoth:
""Thoth was called in the Pyramid Texts'
He who reckons the heavens, the counter of the stars and the
measurer of the Earth', the inventor of arts and sciences, scribe
of the gods, the 'One who made calculations concerning the
heavens, the stars and the Earth'. As the 'Reckoner of times and
of seasons', he was depicted with a symbol combining the Sun's
disk and the Moon's crescent upon his head, and - in words
reminiscent of the biblical adoration of the Celestial Lord - the
Egyptian inscriptions and legends said of Thoth that his
knowledge and powers of calculating 'measured out the heavens and
planned the Earth'. His hieroglyphic name Tehuti is usually
explained as meaning 'He who balances'. Heinrich Brugsch
(Religion und Mythologie) and E. A. Wallis Budge (The Gods of the
Egyptians) interpreted that to mean that Thoth was the 'god of
the equilibrium' and considered depictions of him as 'Master of
the Balance' to indicate that he was associated with the
equinoxes - the time when the day and the night were
- Jean-Philipe Lauer, Saqqara
But I digress a bit so back on track. I have found that Mercury that closest planet to The Sun should have been called Thoth because it has placed where it is to measure the solar system for us. And it is a messenger of The Gods but in this case The Gods are the planets and Mercury, Hermes, Thoth are giving us the measurements of The Gods and that is the message they are delivering. Farfetched ? Not so and I have a boatload of facts to back up my hypothesis. But for the moment back to measurements.
The diameter of the four inner planets are as found below:
Planet | Diameter in kilometers | |||
Mercury | 4879.4 km | |||
Venus | 12104 km | |||
Earth | 12756.28 km | |||
Mars | 6792.4 km |
For now we will just concentrate on Mercury and Mars. Can they show us the ratio of any meassurement systems we use. What do you think ? Do you think I can show you that they do indeed show us and to a degree of accuracy you will find hard to believe. However it is where I found this little trick that is so profound. I found it where I found most of my discoveries and that was on the barren plateau in Egypt called ... The Giza Plateau and those three incredibly encoded structures referred to as The Pyramids of Giza.
The ratio: The Royal Cubit to The Foot = 20.62 inches to 12 inches = 1.7183333333
The Planetary Solution: ..... Incredibly simple. Mars + Mercury / Mars = 4879.4 + 6792.4 / 6792.4 = 11671.8 / 6792.4 = 1.71836 = 0.99998 = 99.998 % So if we add Mars and Mercury together and divide by Mars we get the precise ratio of a Royal Cubit to The Foot
Now I don't know if you are amazed by this but you should be. I will now show you how it was first discovered by Nick Lievense a genius, but I don't think he knows it yet.
Now I have contended for quite some time that not only is The Great Pyramid representing The Earth but it is also representing Mercury and here is the first of the proofs I will offer.
The ratio: Mars + Mercury / Mars = 4879.4 + 6792.4 / 6792.4 = 11671.8 / 6792.4 = 1.71836 can be written (a + b) / b = 1.7183 with a = Mercury and b = Mars
Now there are probably millions or maybe countless numbers that will satisfy this equation but only one series that I have found at Giza and they are so in your face you will find it hard to believe you missed it before. Okay so now it's time to introduce those giants of construcution wonders, The Pyramids at Giza.
The three pyramids at Giza have base lengths of 440 cubits (average about 9069.4 inches and The Great Pyramid), 411.04 cubits (about 8471 inches and G2) and 201.46 cubits (4153.6 inches and G3)
Here is a layout of where they are located within the Giza Plateau: NOTE ! This image copyright to the estate of Clive Ross
And another this one a gift to me:
And with the measurements marked.
Now here is the original post by Nick Lievense as posted at Graham Hancock's Message Board. NOTE !!! Image is copyright to Nick Lievense
I didn't see it right away but then it all became very clear. If we add 411.04 (G2) + 201.46 (G3) (Total 612.50) and divide by 440 (G1) we get 612.50 / 440.00 = 1.392045455 now that was virtually the same number as when we divided Mars diameter of 6792.4 by Mercury's diameter of 4879.4 as 6792.4 / 4879.4 = 1.392056400. This checks to an unbelievable 0.999992 or 99.9992 % or 8/10,000 ths of 1 percent. I think they would give you ar least 10 billion to one odds in Vegas that three randomly built pyramids would check to Mercury and Mars diameters to that accuracy. But of course that is not all it encodes for we can not forget about this ratio: The ratio: The Royal Cubit to The Foot = 20.62 inches to 12 inches = 1.7183333333 - So we have this final little gem. G1 + G2 + G3 (1052.50) / 612.50 (G2 + G3) = 1.7183 - But wait this is also equal to Mars + Mercury / Mars so therefore Mars must equal G2 + G3 and of course Mercury has to equal G1 or 440 ... And that as they say is just the very tip of a very big and very deep iceberg. Below are the closing images I would like you to leave with:
and this last one for now.
This is the beginning of the proof I will offer that The Great Pyrmaid is indeed meant to represent Mercury. After this opening I hope that what follows will be a little easier to accept.
I hope you approve Nick !
Cheers and much more to follow.
Best Don Barone
July 13th, 2015